# New python project Cheatsheet ## Create a new Github repository TODO ## Create a new python environment ```{warning} NO pity for people using the (base) environment. ``` ```bash conda create -n {env_name} python={python_version} ``` ## Setup your IDE - Spyder: ```bash conda activate {env_name} pip install spyder ``` - Jupyter: ```bash conda activate {env_name} pip install jupyter ``` - VS code: ```bash conda activate {env_name} pip install ipykernel ``` ## Install your libraries Libraries can be installed whenever you want. ``````{warning} Make sure to activate the environment you want to work with: ```bash conda activate {env_name} ``` before using any of the following commands `````` - Using pip ```bash pip install {library_name} ``` - Using conda ```bash conda install {library_name} ``` You can specify the library version using `==` ```bash pip install {library_name}=={library_version} conda install {library_name}=={library_version} ``` **Recommendend:** create a `requirements.txt` file to keep track of all package your are installing, so you can easily share or recreate you environment: ```txt pandas seaborn nilearn==1.2 statsmodels ``` You can then install all packages listed in the `requirements.txt` using: ```bash pip install -r requirements.txt ``` ## Start coding ``````{warning} Make sure to activate the environment you want to work with: ```bash conda activate {env_name} ``` before using any of the following commands `````` - Spyder: ```bash pip spyder ``` - Jupyter: ```bash pip jupyter notebook ``` or ```bash pip jupyter lab ``` - VS code: Open a new VS code folder: File -> Open Folder: - create a new `.py` file, on the bottom right corner, next to `python` choose your `{env_name}` environment. - create a new `.ipynb` file, on the top right corner, click `select kernel` and select your `{env_name}` environment VS code save your kernel choices so you don't have to do it every time you open your project.